Earlier we discussed different things about ghosts, trying to come a little closer to the truth about whether or not they exist, but also whether or not it's even possible for them to exist. We talked about what happens when you die and also what ghosts are/could be made of in previous posts. Now I want to talk about whether or not a ghost would have some sort of purpose to exist if one did. To be perfectly honest, I can't find too much information on what people believe that is other than just a couple of things, but I'll address those couple of things. Most people to my knowledge believe ghosts exist or are "created" because when someone died, they had unfinished business on the Earth that needed to take care of. This poses so many questions, I don't know if I can ask them all in just one post.
First of all, how many ghosts have solidly communicated to the living that they had some kind of "unfinished business"? With as many people that have died on the Earth (some scientists believe many more people than that of those who live on this Earth now have already died, which I've seen are estimates close to over 110 billion people; and that number grows daily.) you would think The earth would be flooded with messages and hauntings all across the globe with about 16 dead people's ghosts for each man woman and child on Earth (Right now there are almost 6.8 billion people alive today). Think about that for a minute. If there are a million people that claim to have one ghost in their house, that's 15 million extra ghosts to spread around the entire world population. For every one person that gives claim to only one ghost, 15 of them are somewhere else. Now imagine that 100 million people saw one ghost. That's 1.5 billion ghosts that they missed somehow. When will it be enough ghosts to convey a good solid, observable message that can be repeated at least one time? A little bit of research shows there are only about 5,000 Ku Klux Klan members and I'm pretty sure we got the message loud and clear. You can multiply that number by 22 billion and we still don't know anything about ghosts or their purpose. Why is that? Are they not able to speak? You can find many claims just on the internet about people who have claimed to have had lengthy conversations with a ghost. I've talked to some of these people myself. Mediums claim they chat with the deceased on a regular basis, or at least can. As a matter of fact, their chat window opens up on a cash by case basis. People pay for readings and séances every day and not one ghost came through with scientific information about what happened to them when they died or why? It doesn't even have to be scientific; they can just say, "Oh yeah, this is what happened. This is what it felt like, this is what it looked like, and I have this on my mind all the time, so I guess it's my goal or purpose." That would be a start at least. Of those 110 billion people already long dead, how many of them do you suppose were scientists, philosophers, teachers, great thinkers, religious, or a combination of just these few examples. Are we so quick to believe there is something out there that supposedly communicates daily and is more abundant than the world population 16 times over, yet we have no information about how or why they exist? He-Man is the champion and protector of Eternia. He has a more explainable purpose than ghosts as it stands.
As far as unfinished business goes, I suppose it's safe to assume that each person's business varies in detail and complexity. When you watch a movie about a ghost with unfinished business, it's always something that takes an epic adventure or at least a lot of toil and struggle to get this business done. It's pretty obvious that real life is nowhere as glamorous as the movies, but what are some examples of business that wasn't finished before someone died and can linger for a time afterwords. One thing that comes to mind is someone not setting their affairs in order like their will, estate, inheritances, control of businesses, etc... All of these things are eventually settled between the living; whether or not it takes weeks, months, or longer, in the end, the business gets finished; so we can throw that out unless certain ghosts hang out until those things are done; but that poses even more questions. First of all, why would they care? Secondly, How can wondering who's going to get your Microsoft stock next week trigger a supernatural response and transformation within your own body so grand and bizarre, science can't find one bit of proof of its occurrence? Could it be that a random old lady that owns a yarn store will one day be too slick for science to test because she changed her mind before she died and wants to give ownership to her second child? Can something so insignificant to someone else (for example, wanting my Batman comics to go to a specific grandchild that hasn't been born yet, but I forgot to update my will before death) just make someone conscious again to roam the Earth unchecked by God or whomever until the lawyers finish their paperwork? Wouldn't that give lawyers some degree of necromancy, to control the dead in so many words?
I've seen just a few times when looking some things up to post this, there are those who claim that a person can come back as a ghost because they need revenge exacted upon whoever killed them or caused their death somehow. I suppose if there is such a formula to create a ghost, this would be the most reasonable. Here you have purpose; a perfect basis for a movie plot. The funny thing is, there are tons of people in death row for murder in America alone. Here is a link that shows the populations of inmates on death row by year since 1968. Not one of those people were killed by a ghost; so either ghosts don't know how to do it right, or they just forgot after they died, negating their entire purpose to even be a ghost. Let's say it was like a movie plot and the living had to carry out the revenge in honor of said ghost. There have also been no reports to my knowledge of anyone breaking into a prison to kill someone on death row, so even if the message was sent, real people don't finish the business. Besides, the murderers are on death row. There's a good chance you could sit at home and watch tv and the business will get done anyway.
Now here's where it gets so complicated it creates a paradox. Let's say that a long time ago, someone was murdered in cold blood, came back as a ghost with the intent to exact his revenge by murdering that person. There's your unfinished business. Since no ghosts have ever really murdered anyone (or since there's no proof of it), we have to assume that said revenge was taken by living people. The murderer is finally murdered and the ghost/person/people got their revenge. Now the original murderer has a purpose of revenge because he was murdered by a conspiracy of people and ghosts (which would also create a loophole that would allow this ghost to exist forever, being that no one knows how to kill a ghost; but even if you could, how do you kill the dead?) So, this ghost gets revenge through other living people and murders those original revenge exacting killers, which would in turn give them reason or purpose to come back as a ghost and then kill those people, but would now have to use fresh people because if done right, all killers die in the next killing spree. In this scenario, you can keep multiplying until every last person in the world is murdered because one ghost couldn't let it go.
What about accidental death and the ghost just wanted to find out what killed him/her? What if one became a ghost for the sole purpose of discovering they slipped on a banana peel? Would they now have reason to take revenge on the guy who ate the banana? Would something so obscure and diluted, with an infinite number of possible scenarios all be the formula for creating ghosts with a purpose? Does that make sense? There might be more than one way to skin a cat, but an infinite amount of ways? Could I make a cake with as little as a million different formulas? How about the manner in which I tie my shoes? If you could get something done any which way you could imagine, instruction booklets would never have been invented. You could say, "Just do something, it'll happen." for everything.
With everything that's been said, I feel like there's so much that hasn't been said. Every question brings to light a new question. This should be the purpose of those who believe in ghosts and those who are skeptical or curious alike. Question everything; every aspect of what would be involved if something like ghosts exist. Don't just believe things, have proof on why. Science has nothing to experiment since actually finding a ghost is like snipe hunting, so it's imperative to take what we know about the world and use it to form new questions in the hopes of getting a little closer to the truth. Stay tuned for my next installment on whether or not ghosts exist. There's so much we haven't talked about, so be sure there is more to come.
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